Sony A7S II Field Test

The reviewers at Imaging Resource posted their latest field test results and conclude the big improvements to the Sony A7S II make it a low-light champ, setting a new standard.

Utilizing the same 12.2-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor as the original A7S, the A7S II isn’t going to blow you away with its resolving power. What it will do, however, is allow you to capture high-quality images in situations where many other cameras cannot. The A7S II boasts fantastic low light capabilities thanks to its relatively low-resolution sensor and larger per-pixel size. It’s not all the same as its predecessor though, because the A7S II’s BIONZ X image processor has been tweaked to provide better image quality and sharpness at higher ISOs than the original A7S.

The field test includes a gallery if images at various ISOs. They share the same complaints we do on the mark IIs and that’s the burst shooting is only at 5fps, and the menu system needs an overhaul. They didn’t mention the write speed that annoyed me on an F1 shoot, but they weren’t shooting race cars and 1.5 minute laps!

What it lacks in resolving power, the A7S II makes up for with its excellent low light capabilities and high ISO performance. For photographers needing a camera that delivers great image quality in a wide variety of situations, it’ll be difficult to find a better camera than the A7S II.

While low-light isn’t our thing, v. street and action, Imaging Resources know their stuff and like us also enjoy the embedded remote app. See the embed in this post too and they’ve uploaded more in the review.

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