Sony a7S Used For Astronomical Videography Of Deep Sky Objects

There are plenty of photographers that use the Sony a7S for capturing astrophotography images, but in this video sample we see the Sony a7s used for astronomical videography, thanks to work with the Japan Planetarium Lab.

What are Deep Sky Objects, you ask? According to Wikipedia,

Deep-sky objects are astronomical objects other than individual stars and solar system objects (such as Sun, Moon, planets, comets, etc.).[1][2] The classification is used for the most part by amateur astronomers to denote visually observed faint naked eye and telescopic objects such as star clusters, nebulae and galaxies.

In this video the Sony a7s captures things like the M20 Emission Nebula, the M11 Open Cluster, the M27 Planetary Cluster and more. I don’t care how great your time lapse photos are of the Milky Way, but these videos of nebula blow those away. It’s astounding to think that a consumer camera (when coupled to scientific gear) can capture remnants of supernovae.

If this isn’t enough to convince you of the low-light capabilities of the Sony a7s, we’re not sure what is.

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