iPhone's 10th Anniversary

I’m still editing photos from the last adventure before heading off to another the next this week, so just a short post to share a story about my 10 years of iPhones. See the reports from the BBC and Wired; also, a controversy about the iPhone’s origins.

So, before Apple caught on and set a limit, there was some cash to be made in buying all the iPhones you could at a retail store and then selling them on eBay. I sold enough to pay for my phones…And, I kept one of them all these years.

The iPhone 3Gs still boots and has all the music I ever ripped on it. The first and second generation I sold. As Rory Cellan- Jones reporting for the BBC said

My point is that the iPhone radically changed the way we thought about photography and a whole range of other activities we could now do on the move.

And,  I’m here writing about cameras that are a direct response to it.

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