Bay Area Blast: Sony a7II Travelogue

This post originally ran on guest blogger Chad Wadsworth’s site. View the original post about Sony a7II travelogue photography on his blog.

For the weary business traveler, the road often loses its promise of excitement and newness. The camera can reset and shift that jaded perspective. 

A few weeks ago I visited the Bay Area for a quick business trip; arriving in the late am into SFO, with an afternoon meeting scheduled up north in Petaluma. A traveler has to eat, so it was off to visit Pizzeria Delfina and its neighbor, the legendary patisserie, Tartine. After lunch it was off to the meeting, adjusting trajectory for a pitstop at the Sutro Baths – touristy, but still magnificent and my only chance to grab a breath of salty air. After the work was done, I retraced an old commute to the Napa Valley via Mark West Highway into Calistoga and then down to St. Helena for dinner at Tra Vigne (that meal didn’t go on the expense report). Satiated from the short ribs and Frank Family Cabernet, it was time to hit the windy back route to Sacramento through Lake Berryessa. If you like canyon carving, this is the road, and the Volkswagen TSi rental proved up to the challenge.

The Sony a7II and new Zeiss FE 28/2 were an unobtrusive combo, well suited for this relaxed street style adventure. I’m continually impressed by the new 28mm and the vibrant color transmission it imparts. This just may be the best bang for the buck lens to stick in front of the alpha sensors.

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