Sony α7S II, α9, RX0 Filmmaking

This week Proud Mary lands US theaters and stars Taraji P. Henson as Mary, a hit-woman and all-around badass working for an organized crime family.

Fans of Taraji P. Henson will no doubt be eager to see the fast-paced story and Sony fans, will want to know it was made with the α7S II, α9 and the new RX0.

The α7S II is getting a very high-quality look because the lenses are so sharp and you have this huge sensor.

And, with regard to shooting with the different cameras and maintain a consistent look across the film, Executive Producer Glenn S. Gainor says,

The footage cuts together seamlessly.

The virtues of the α7S and α7S II for filmmaking have been described innumerable times.

It’s the low-light capability and extremely high-quality 4K images from the α7S II in particular that make it increasingly popular for filmmakers who want to have relatively compact cameras without compromising quality. The ultra-compact RX0’s versatility, durability and image quality made it perfect for shooting high-speed chases.

Proud Mary is the first movie where the RX0s have been used.

The film debuts on January 12 in theaters everywhere. Here’s the full trailer.

For more on Hollywood and the RXO, see my story from last year when I attended an event at Sony Picture Studios, and wrote about it for Digital Photo Pro. Also, the launch.

What you need to know about the RX0 is that it’s about capturing split seconds and assembling them into consequential moments—and thinking of new ways to do so. While in Maui, I rigged 5 of them to a bicycle and rode around. We snorkeled, cliff dived, and much more (I’mw working on the edit now).


RX0 is so good because it’s a miniaturized RX100 IV with with an ultra-compact, waterproof and robust design. Find the [amazon_textlink asin=’B077JSKTR2′ text=’RXO on’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’texturadesign-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’82a3e68f-f7ff-11e7-9f67-d12fe8d2d60e’] for $698.00.

My daily shooter is Sony A1 with a vertical grip and various Sony lenses attached like the FE 20mm F1.8. Find more gear recommendations in our shop. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.