Sony ECM-M1 Shotgun Microphone

Sony ECM-M1 Shotgun Microphone was the third product announced yesterday. It’s technically all new like the a6700 and 70-200mm lens. A worlds first too with eight dial-selectable audio recording modes.

Featuring four microphone capsules, advanced beamforming technology, and cutting-edge digital processing capabilities, this device offers a range of versatile modes, including stereo sound. One of its standout features is the ultra-directional mode, which excels at capturing focused audio from the front within a 30-degree width while intelligently minimizing background noise. This adaptive mode dynamically adjusts to the ambient sound in the environment, making it perfect for interviews and situations where the subject remains in front of the microphone, such as selfie-oriented scenarios.

Preorder now from B&H for $348.

Sony ECM-M1 Shotgun Microphone

Sony ECM-M1 Shotgun Microphone Features

The microphone features, like the ZV-E1, 6700, and 70-200 are intended for DIY, studios of one creators wishing to step their game up.

With a shotgun mic like this attached to the hotshoe a creator could work in a coffeeshop, for example, and get clean audio even with all the background noise.


The mic fits in with the all-auto-everything design direction coming from Sony. If you don’t how well those features work, do try themselves by renting or using in a camera store near you.

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