sIn back-t0-back meetings with brands during an outdoor industry media event (PressCamp 16), all the products I was being shown started to blend together. New…
DL Byron
RIP Bill Cunningham
When I decided to take and share better photographs on Bike Hugger, Bill Cunningham’s work informed the street style. That led to publishing mirrorless websites…
Hasselblad Mirrorless
While we’re at an outdoor industry media event, a Hasselblad Mirrorless camera was leaked. We don’t post on rumors, but a leak is a leak,…
20-inch-by-24-inch Polaroid Format
Probably heard about Kodak being a casualty of smartphones and selfies or figured that out yourself. The Polaroid and point-and-shoot have been replaced by our…
Instagram is Photo Radio
In a Facebook thread where some OG Interweb peoples try to figure out what’s going on with Instagram, it was said, and I agree that…
Sony A7R II Wins Camera of the Year
Of all the Sony Alpha series cameras that I’ve shot with, it’s the original that remains a fav—I kept mine because a frame I took…
FilmConvert adds Sony a6300 Support
FilmConvert offers software and an extension app for NLE systems like Premiere Pro, Final Cut and Sony Vegas that emulates film stock. And, they just…
NPR has put out a call for night sky photos Here at Goats and Soda, we’d love to see photos of the starry night skies…
The Right Moment
An absolutely remarkably shot from Martin Gisborne on Instagram. While, not one of the mirrorless brands we post about, it’s still what we’re all seeking.…
Editing RAW in iOS 10
Watching the WWDC proceedings, I was not that impressed with animated emojis in text; as noted here Man, I cannot wait to send you an…