Pandemics and Camera Technology

A thing about publishing a camera technology blog during a global pandemic is that camera technology is no longer at the forefront of everyone’s attention. Pandemics and camera technology isn’t a topic that normally goes together. Where once Sony was on a relentless release schedule, now everything is on hold. This pause happens when their competitors were attempting to catch up to their mirrorless lead.

The relationship between Sony, competitors, the marketplace, and  customers remains important for all sorts of reasons. And, I’m working hard on being a high-quality information source. Still, the machinations of mirrorless cameras are not important compared to the questions we’re all asking.


We won’t know the answers for weeks. I fear the worst. This week, WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. This Medium post by Tomas Pueyo persuasively argues that the United States is currently seeing exponential infection rates and that hospitals will be overwhelmed.

Social isolation means no events like Be Alpha Brooklyn

While Pueyo’s a marketer and not an epidemiologist, he makes the case for  “social distancing.”  I don’t have a hot take on the topic, but do recommend that everyone reads that piece. Then modify your behavior if you’re still  spending time in public.

Hopefully, soon we’ll get back to our normal lives. When we do, I’ll have plenty to share.

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