Long Exposure Photography Guide and Tips

One aspect of photography I’m interested in getting better at is long exposures. My friend Gordon Laing and I have discussed it a few times and he recently posted a tutorial on YouTube.

with plenty of tips. Gordon has also collected all of his camera smarts [amazon_textlink asin=’1781573611′ text=’into a book’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’texturadesign-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’89a67f32-8617-11e8-9936-771116fdda2f’].

With amazing low-light capabilities, incredible definition, intelligent autofocus and a host of other features, it’s fair to say that digital cameras have now become so powerful that they have left many of their users behind. Most photographers are able to take competent shots in a range of conditions, or fix imperfect exposures in Photoshop or Lightroom, but very few have the skill to really push their cameras to the limit and capture the perfect shot, under all conditions, with no post-processing required.

Shooting and processing on-board is also something I don’t usually do, not with Sony cameras at least, but understand the value; especially when time and bandwidth are considered.

The last time Gordon and I hung out was during Kando Trip 2.0 and, of course, we had a great time. He was over my shoulder a few times (with an invitation of course) during the beach shoot.

And, here we are in his hometown on Brighton, where the long exposure photography tutorial was produced.

I took a train to meet Gordon during the Cooke Cine lens story.

That was a good time and I treated him to a coffee.

Read more of Gordon’s reviews on his site Camera Labs including, the most recent 400mm.

The FE 400mm f2.8 GM OSS may be roughly the same size as rival lenses from Canon and Nikon but at 2895g / 6.4lbs impressively weighs-in almost one kilogram or two pounds lighter. This difference becomes even greater when you fit their respective pro bodies and makes the combination much easier to shoot with handheld.

And, if you ever visit him in Brighton like I did, ask about the burger place. See more of Gordon’s work on The Valuable Friends too.

My daily shooter is Sony A1 with a vertical grip and various Sony lenses attached like the FE 20mm F1.8. Find more gear recommendations in our shop. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.