Sony Firmware Update Dropped

Sony firmware update dropped this week. It contains more than 45 updates for the Alpha 1, Alpha 9 III, Alpha 7S III, and Alpha 7 IV. This update promises to improve shooting functions and workflow. It also introduces cutting-edge technology, such as the Camera Authenticity Solution, which features a proprietary in-camera digital signature and support for the C2PA format. These tools allow news agencies to verify the authenticity of images, protecting creators and society from counterfeit imagery.

Sony Firmware Update Dropped with a C2PA authenticity solution

There is nothing more core to our mission than listening to the voices of the photographers, videographers, and filmmakers who shoot with Sony Alpha cameras. We know this community has been asking for these updates, and we’re happy to deliver. Each of these updates are designed to promote ease of use for our creators and allow them to maximize the strengths of their cameras

said Yang Cheng, Vice President, Imaging Solutions, Sony Electronics Inc.

We’re especially pleased to deliver C2PA compliancy with this update. This compliancy paired with our unique digital signature technology, allows us to offer the most secure and comprehensive solution to protect professional photographers, news agencies, and society from manipulated imagery.

Moreover, the firmware updates introduce numerous requested enhancements aimed at enhancing everyday usability. Evolving shooting functions and post-shooting workflows, the update introduces advanced movie features like breathing compensation. Additionally, it expands remote-control capabilities, introduces new features tailored for professional applications, and enhances access to cloud services applications.

Camera Authenticity Solution

In the previous year, Sony publicly pledged its dedication to advancing technology within its cameras to combat manipulated imagery and AI-generated counterfeits. The escalating severity of this challenge underscores its complexity, demanding the concentrated efforts and attention of the entire industry.

One crucial aspect of the solution involves increasing the number of Sony cameras compliant with C2PA standards. C2PA, a Joint Development Foundation project with Sony as a steering committee member, aims to establish an open technical standard ensuring the authenticity and provenance of various media types. This initiative sets technical specifications for content authentication, certifying the source and history of media content. With the latest firmware update, Alpha 1, Alpha 9 III, Alpha 7S III, and Alpha 7 IV cameras embed authenticity information from capture to publication, allowing photographers to maintain their digital signature and track editing history.

Sony’s in-camera digital signature technology further reinforces content authenticity by signing images in real-time, creating a ‘digital birth certificate’ retained throughout revisions. This signature includes metadata, such as 3D-depth information captured by Sony’s proprietary image sensor technology, distinguishing genuine 3D objects from photographs or videos. This additional layer of protection offers heightened assurance of content authenticity, particularly beneficial for photojournalists and news agencies.

Moreover, Sony’s solution includes an Image Validation Site, verifying image authenticity post-editing by C2PA-compliant software. This service confirms the photo’s origin from a specific camera and verifies the object’s three-dimensionality, initially available to select news media agencies with plans for broader implementation later on

Sony Firmware Update Dropped Shooting and Playback Updates

The firmware updates introduce over 10 new features and enhancements, enhancing the overall shooting experience for users. These upgrades underscore Sony’s dedication to advancing the functionality of its existing camera models. Some key highlights of the firmware update include:

File Transfer and Network Connectivity

Key updates include:

Read about how to update your firmware in this post.

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