FX30 expands Cinema Line for Sony. Announced earlier this week, the 4K Super 35 compact cinema camera offers many professional features at an appealing price…

FX30 expands Cinema Line for Sony. Announced earlier this week, the 4K Super 35 compact cinema camera offers many professional features at an appealing price…
Capture One iPad Livestream happened this morning. You can watch the recording below. A tethered workflow has been added to an already robust feature list.…
The Sony FR7 Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera was announced just after Kando Trip. The timing is remarkable because I had just shot with Tony Gale‘s tilt-shift Minolta…
How Tony Gale got the shot is a featured story on Sony Alpha Universe. Tony (@tonygalephoto) is behind the scenes for many of my shots…
Sony announced the Xperia 5 IV during Sony Kando Trip last week. After attending a press briefing, I spent about an hour with the premium…