What I like best about the Sony A1 Bird in Flight edit from Mark Smith, Is the two times I’ve shot with Mark, our subjects included ospreys.
When Mark and I shot together, the A1 hadn’t shipped yet. It’s out now and, as you can tell, Mark puts Sony’s flagship through its paces.
Here’s another photo I took.

Ospreys are one of Mark’s favorite subject. And, the topic of a book.
Osprey – The Glorious Pursuit of Unbridled Determination is a beautiful, hard cover photo book that not only portrays this amazing bird’s abilities in glorious high resolution photographs captured by renowned wildlife photographer Mark Smith, but also describes these majestic, feather covered creatures and their everyday challenges in a way that fans of Mark Smith’s YouTube videos have come to know and love.
To get that shot, mark shot 8 times slomo via the A1’s S&Q mode, as Sony describes it in their actually helpful help guide
For example, you can record an intense sports scene, the moment when a bird starts to fly, a blooming flower, and a changing view of clouds or a starry sky. Sound will not be recorded.
I don’t shoot much video, but I do use Sony Animal Eye-AF set to birds when taking stills.
…My daily shooter is Sony A1 with a vertical grip and various Sony lenses attached like the FE 20mm F1.8. Find more gear recommendations in our shop. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.