Sony RXO: Angles Of Adventure

Sharing his experience with the Sony RXO on Alpha Universe in a story called Angles of Adventure, Braedin Toth explains

Basically we were taking a bunch of friends with us on this trip to Banff

and they did so in camper vans. Toth thought the RX0 would be perfect to take along  (I agree, having just shot with in the snow in  Park City) and put them through all of the elements, including freezing-cold temperatures. The temps dropped to minus 25 for the majority of the trip and the tough, little cameras worked just fine—it was that cold in Park City and certainly not Maui, but they performed too.

As you can see in the behind-the-scenese edit below, Toth made use of the small form factor to create unique footage.

We had six RX0 cameras and in addition to the lifestyle and adventure aspect, we wanted to use the slow-motion feature to make everything really experiential.

Toth used the cameras to capture different angles from each place his crew visited. RX0s were set up both inside and outside of the van. In the water when canoeing, and inside of a cup making coffee.

It all came together for Toth and the project (I’m still editing) and it’s great to see creatives getting inspired as I was about the RXO: at the launch, in Hollywood, and with me on vacation in Maui, covering Sundance too.

The small form can be put pretty much anywhere, for me it’s on bicycles, and attached to an aspen on the side of a mountain.

Sony RXO in Park City

For Toth, it was while camping in Banff. And, I can’t wait to see all the other places the RXOs go. They were just used in a major motion picture.

RX0 is so good because it’s a miniaturized RX100 V with with an ultra-compact, waterproof and robust design. Find the [amazon_textlink asin=’B077JSKTR2′ text=’RXO on’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’texturadesign-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’82a3e68f-f7ff-11e7-9f67-d12fe8d2d60e’] for $698.00.

My daily shooter is Sony A1 with a vertical grip and various Sony lenses attached like the FE 20mm F1.8. Find more gear recommendations in our shop. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.