Be Alpha SF

East Coast, West Coast….After rocking Brooklyn (see below), the #bealpha roadshow is in San Francisco this weekend.

RSVP for a spot. And, read my recap from Brooklyn here.

In case you missed it

In celebration of World Photography Day and the launch of the new Be Alpha campaign, Sony brought members of the photography community together for an exciting opportunity to shoot, learn and collaborate. With a creative space set up in Brooklyn and a private Hudson River boat tour, Sony Artisans, Alpha Collective members and other Sony shooters explored what it means to “Be Alpha.” Check out some of the great captures from the event and get involved by sharing your own “Be Alpha” content on social media with the tag #BeAlpha.

The highlight for me was just hanging out with world-famous photographers and the community of Sony shooters.

There was no pretense. Just shooting and talking.

Be Alpha Brooklyn with Nicole Sadiee
Be Alpha Brooklyn with Nicole Sadiee

Also, meeting fellow creatives like Nicole Sadiee the author of [amazon_textlink asin=’1985631334′ text=’ If Only My Eyes Could Speak’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’texturadesign-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8a7ed30f-b518-11e8-ba44-cfe6faa7a1fe’], a book of heart-felt poems and letters.

As I learned, it’s an important book regarding the struggles of a young black girl growing up in a broken home. It was made to represent the mistreatment and misinterpretation of adolescents who are forced to grow in toxic environments. She wrote it to

Show young black girls the right path because everyone is always telling young black girls what they can’t do.

Impressed by her composure on set, I looked her up, and learned there’s much more going on with the girl behind the freckles. I feel lucky to have met her and taken that photo.

JNSilva took her photo too….

I suggest you follow here, Silva too, and get yourself to a Sony event near you. No other brand is hosting an event like this for photographers.

My daily shooter is Sony A1 with a vertical grip and various Sony lenses attached like the FE 20mm F1.8. Find more gear recommendations in our shop. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.