Where I noticed the Sony a9 image quality improvement is after a couple days of rain in San Diego, the sun came out and lit up Estelle Rose perfectly on Del Mar beach. This frame was taken with a beta version of the next major a9 firmware release, 5.0.

What I found in post is stepped up a9 image quality. It takes advantage of the full-frame sensor producing smoother, more natural tonal gradations. You can see the subtle changes in the light where highlights and shadows meet on her skin.
Sony a9 image quality improvement is less noticeable in this photo because we were under a highway overpass and it was raining, but see the colors pop.

Updated Algorithm
In the burst sequences, the updated algorithm was far more consistent with the automatic white balance setting too. The AWB lock was useful in the mixed light under the highway overpass and moving around the basketball scene.

On the left of the frame are gray skies. To the right and out of frame a spotlight, and behind me more gray.
In the featured photo on this post, check the reflections and how clean transitions between whites and blacks are. For those of you who purchased the a9 on sale during the holidays, the firmware is an added bonus and makes Sony’s flagship mirrorless even more valuable for pros.
The a9 most artistic vision enabling electronic device I use, second only to a film camera and my Leica M-P in terms of creativity.
A mirrorless camera is a balance of quality and size, still and movie, art and science. At one moment with the a9, I was shooting sports and another a model against a graffiti wall. In both scenes, the AF locked on and tracked the subjects in real time. Then, I was treated to even better image quality.
Sony a9 Image Quality Improvement
The image quality improvements to the a9 are in firmware 5.0, shipping this spring.
…My daily shooter is Sony A1 with a vertical grip and various Sony lenses attached like the FE 20mm F1.8. Find more gear recommendations in our shop. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.